MIRAMICHI SPORTSMEN'S CLUB (Doing business as Miramichi Shooting Sports)
- The association shall be called the Miramichi Sportsmen’s Club, operating as Miramichi Shooting Sports.
- The objective of the association shall be the encouragement and pleasure of shooting among the civilians of the Miramichi area, the Police Forces, Forestry and Fisheries personnel.
- All persons 12 years of age or over may become members for the current calendar year upon payment of the annual dues, and having been duly approved for membership by the executive. Minors must be accompanied by an adult at the range.
- The executive of the Miramichi Sportsmen’s Club shall be as follows: President, Vice-President, Past President, Secretary and Treasurer.
- The executive shall be elected yearly, at the annual meeting of the Miramichi Sportsmen’s Club, held during the month of December. The term of office of each officer shall be one year, from December to the end of November or until a successor is elected.
- Replacements may be appointed temporarily by the President, but such replacements shall only serve until the next general meeting when their appointment shall be confirmed by a general vote.
- a. President: It shall be his/her duty to call executive and club meetings, to preside at these meetings and to have general supervision of the affairs of the club.
- Vice-President: It shall be his/her duty to carry on the duties of the President in his/her absence or on the President’s request.
- Secretary: Shall keep the minutes of all general and executive meetings, conduct correspondence, and have a record of all memberships.
- Treasurer: Shall administer the club’s bank account in a branch of a chartered Bank of Canada, receive and deposit therein all monies due the club. Before each meeting, he/she shall submit a statement of finances of the club. The treasurer shall also collect or designate a member to collect dues and distribute keys.
- All payments of accounts and other withdrawals from the club’s bank account shall be by cheque, signed by the President and the Treasurer, Secretary, Past President or any two there of.
- The fiscal year of the club shall begin on the first day of December and terminate on the thirtieth day of November.
- The executive may, by written notice, terminate membership of a member for acting contrary to the club safety rules, whereas the member chooses to ignore the rules, becoming a safety hazard to other members and him/herself, and for conduct injurious to the image of the club or shooting as a sport.
- The club shall not be responsible for any damages, injury or loss of property to any member, guest or visitor taken to the club premises, regardless of the reason or nature of such damages, loss or injury, and further, every member, guest or visitor shall use the club premises and facilities at his or her own risk.
- No alteration in the constitution shall be made except by a resolution duly passed at the annual meeting.
Club By-Laws
- Club membership runs by calendar year (Jan 1 - Dec 31). (Added 2017-11-14)
- Membership dues shall be as approved at the Annual General Meeting. Membership dues are set at $150.00 (Amended 2024-12-10)
- A New Member is defined as one who was NOT a Member the previous year. (Amended 2022-01-07)
- A Returning Member is defined as one who was a Member the previous year. (Amended 2022-01-07)
- Life Memberships may be conferred on Members and their spouses who have provided exceptional service and dedication to the Club. (Added 2017-11-14)
- A person who shoots at our range, but does not have a current membership, is considered to be a Guest, and must be escorted by a Member. (Added 2017-11-14)
- Escorting Members are responsible for their Guests, and for any damage or rule violations caused by the Guest. (Added 2017-11-14)
- Members are to sign-in on a book, along with their Guests, unless names are captured on an event attendance sheet. (Added 2017-11-14)
- No alcohol or non-prescribed drugs are to be sold or consumed on the Club property. (Added 2017-11-14)
- Range Safety rules are posted on the property for each type of range. All shooters must know them and follow them. Unawareness of a posted rule will not be accepted as a valid excuse. (Added 2017-11-14)
- Members who act contrary to Bylaws, Safety Rules, or in a manner unsafe or to bring discredit to the Club, will be reported to the Executive for review. Sanctions up to and including termination of Membership may be levied by a Disciplinary Committee of no fewer than three Executive Members. (Added 2017-11-14)
- Any person willfully damaging or stealing from the Club will be reported to Police. (Added 2017-11-14)
- There is to be no smoking or vaping within any enclosed building on the property. (Added 2022-01-07)
- Shotguns are not to be fired at wood-framed target stands. Member can bring their own target stands. (Added 2017-11-14)
- Shotguns used on shotgun fields are to use shells of pellet-size 7.5 or smaller (for example “8”). (Added 2022-01-07)
- Pistol ranges are for .22 S/L/LR, and common pistol calibres only. No rifle-calibre ammunition to be used on pistol ranges. (Added 2022-01-07)
- Breakable targets are not to be used, except for Clay Pigeons. Glass, breakable plastic, etc. are not to be used. (2017-11-14)
- Explosive targets, such as Firebird, or mixable explosives such as Tannerite, may only be used with prior approval from the Executive. (2017-11-14)
- Any Member may prohibit the use of a firearm that is considered to be unsafe, or prevent an unsafe person from shooting. If a Member exercises this authority, a full report of the incident must be given to the Executive without delay." (Added 2017-11-14)
- No person shall use any firearm or device considered Prohibited by the Firearms Act, unless they possess the correct 12.x on their PAL. (Added 2022-01-07)
- No member of a Public Safety Agency shall use any firearm or device that would be considered, if in private hands, Prohibited by the Firearms Act, without a valid Rental Contract in-place between the Agency and the Club, or written permission by the Club Executive. (Added 2022-01-07)
- Eye and Ear Protection must be worn by all persons on the range. Using nothing more than regular prescription eyeglasses is not recommended. (Added 2022-01-07)
- The club will have its annual meeting in December of each year. All other meetings will be on special request of the executive.
- All non-Club groups will be charged a daily fee of $300.00 per range, for the rental of the range facilities. (Amended 2024-12-10)
- Alterations in the By-Laws shall be made by a resolution duly passed by the members at any meeting of the club.
- The objective of the club shall be the encouragement and pleasure of properly supervised shooting, gun handling and gun care. (Rescinded 2017-11-14)
- All firearms must be transferred in accordance with Government Rules and Regulations. (Rescinded 2017-11-14)