Turkey Shoot (you can view the poster here: https://www.miramichishootingsports.com/images/Article-Photos/TurkeyShootPoster2023jpg.jpg)
This is basically a random draw, but you have to work for it :) Fire three shots, we total up the score, and you could win a turkey. Anyone can win!
What: Rifle Faction- Turkey Shoot.
Who: Members and guests of The Miramichi Shooting Sports Club
When: 9 Dec 2022. 10am to 4pm.
Where: Miramichi Shooting Sports Club Rifle Range.
Aim: Chance to win a turkey or other prize. Support your club, use our faclities and chat with like minded sport shooters.
Concept: Shooter heads out to the range at their convenience on the day. Shoots their authorized sporting firearm, standing unsupported at a 'blind' paper target at 50yds.
High scores get prizes: There will be three turkeys, perhaps more turkeys and other prizes if there is a good turn out (more money in the pot).
Safety: Standard range rules will be followed. In addition:
One of the volunteers will be the RSO, follow the RSO's instructions once at the shack. Arrive with gun action open and muzzle up, there will be a rack to place your rifle until it is your turn to shoot. Ear protection in. There could be members using lanes concurrently, the RSO will coord all movement. RSO will supervise posting and retrieving of your tgt/tgts and your application of fire.
Turkey shoot rules:
1. any authorized rifle or pistol caliber.
2. 50yds, standing unsupported/off hand, x3 rds. Sitting unsupported may be used if needed.
3. Tgt is a 8 ½ x 11 paper tgt with random numbers 1 thru 20 in squares in a sealed envelope. We have 50 variations, or more, of the number pattern. So it's purely a game of chance. Envelope is posted, shooter shoots x3 rds at random spots on envelope. Anyone could be a winner.
4. $5 a tgt or 3 for $10. Purchase as many as you want. Stack multiples and shoot through all tgts and save ammo.
Details, the devil is them:
This will be conducted from the garage door side. Bring cash for your tgt/tgs. Your tgts will be scored and we'll let you know your score. Winners will be contacted at end of day 9 Dec. You'll be informed of your prize and pick up arrangements made. Winners and scores will be announced in a newsletter as well.