The Rifle and 50m Pistol ranges are both rented on Friday, the 25th, sunrise until 5pm.
Both the 50m pistol and rifle ranges will be rented next Wednesday, the 16th.
1. Hunter's Warm Up Shoot - Saturday, September 28
2. IPSC Fall Cleanup - Tonight!
1. Hunter's Warm Up Shoot - Saturday, September 28
Attention Everyone - Members and Non-Members !!!
This Saturday will be our annual " Get Ready for Fall " wing shooting event.
We welcome all to come out and enjoy a day of shotgun shooting in preparation for fall wing shooting - it's a great time to practice!
Start time will be 9:00 A.M.
The event provides you with a variety of 25 clay targets at a cost of $10
Shoot as many rounds of 25 as you wish
This is a fun shoot, so come prepared for fun and enjoyment.
Bring a friend; make a day of it; introduce someone to wing shooting
It is NOT a skill contest; but there are prizes available via lucky draw !!
Please remember you don't need to be a member to participate in this event.
Just come out and enjoy the facilities
2. IPSC Fall Cleanup
We'll be doing our annual fall cleanup at the pistol ranges tomorrow (Monday, 23-Sep) at 5pm. Many hands make for light work, and any help is welcome and appreciated!
(And maybe, just maybe, we can have a little test run of our new steel challenge targets if we get our work done in a timely manner, so perhaps bring your range kit with you, just in case)
Rifle Range will be closed Friday for a Rental. Pistol Ranges will be available for .22LR and pistol calibres.
Just heard that the Rifle Range will be closed tomorrow (Friday) for a rental, 8am-5pm. Pistol ranges will be available for pistol calibres and .22LR.
Also, the 50m Pistol will be closed Saturday 12pm until Sunday 5pm, for Project Mapleseed.
Safe shooting